četrtek, 12. marec 2015

Favorite five! January edition!

Here I'm again, late like always writing favorite five of January.
January was just a little bit too much overwhelming and stuff with UNI just made my mood swing every single minute.

1. LA RIVE AQUA bella perfume

So my beautiful and the best boyfriend got me this really great smelling perfume for Christmas and I totally adore it! You have lemon and mint as top notes, jasmine, pink pepper and peony as heart notes, and labdanum, cedarwood and brown sugar as base notes.

2. Photograpy class
So I took a little time again and finished my photography classes, and I can honestly say that they were amazing, all the locations and new stuff. It was fun!

3. My little half-bro Jernej
I did spend some time with my little bro at the end of the month in Bohinj and I can honestly say that I miss him, probably more than I thought I would.  He just got so big and smiley. :)

4. Chest of drawers
So I bought this little chest of drawers, with help of my boyfriend we put it together and wiuuuuu, it's the best storage place ever!

5. OPI "50 Shades Of Gray" nail polish collection.
So I've got myself this pretty little set of OPI nail polish from the set of "50 Shades of Gray" collection and they are sooooooo good. Like they stay on my nails for such a long time without any damage. #GoodStuff

So this is my "Favorite five of January".

- J

torek, 17. februar 2015

Carnival time!

(Me and my boy)

It's already that time of the year again when you're all dressed up for carnival that lasts for about 5 days, depends how you look at it. 

This year me and my friends got that Disney themed Mickey and Minnie mouse.

On Friday, my friends played a gig in Opčine and we all got dressed up like Mickey's and Minnie's.

( My one and only team Orange Juice Band)

It was just so much fun! After all, great day takes the bad mood away. 

( Me and my pretty the best friend Gaja)

It was so nice to spend some good time with my friends. <3 

Today was the last day to dress up again so me and my schoolmate just dressed up ourselves as Minnie's again.

I guess it was pretty funny day at UNI, with a little bit too much of sugar, because we laughed pretty much all the time. 

So that's all for carnival this year. Can't wait for Halloween now. :P

- J 


sreda, 7. januar 2015

Favorite five! December edition. + one or two

So lately I've been thinking how to blog at least once a month? 

And I've got this pretty idea how about blogging about five favorite products / things / moments / anything in the past month!  

So let me first explain why " + one or two" in the title.

You know December, the time of the holidays, when you get gifts and everything is just to Christmasy you have this feeling for more. So for December I'm not taking five but seven stuff that I adored in the past month! 

1. My bed with pretty pillows, lights and this big teddy bear! 
Yuuup! I just couldn't resist to get in the bed for pretty much all December. I've got this big teddy from Saint Nicholas in the begining of the month and well, I pretty much slept with him all the time. It was just too comfortable! The lights made this pretty holiday atmosphere, well who colud resist it? Even my boyfriend fell asleep on it! Yeahh well after he put the bear on the couch but still. It was pretty comfortable and cuddly bed!

2. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella!
I've probably read this book in a day! Totally adore it! It's been on my night stand and in my iBook app for the month! Just whenever I was bored I read it over and over! Did I said that I adore it?!  Really, Zoe and her team did amazing job writing this book down! Speciall all the blogger girls on the world would adore it! It's just adorable! Ahhh I need to stop saying adore/adorable! 
Well if you didn't read it, go check it out! 

3. Pretty candle! 

So for my obession with candles, this one was pretty much calling my name in the store. It's this Air Wick Essential Pearls Candle Limted edition. It's this sweet vanilla flavor! It smells just tooo good to be true! 
I didn't even light it yet but that fragranced gel round the core of scented pearles makes my room smell really nice and vanillas. 

4. WeHeartIt and tea!

Yup this was pretty much my way to end the day. With coup of tea and scrolling through the hundreds of pictures every morning or night. Just nice way to relax. 

5. Open road!

Since I've got my driving licensee in the begining of December, I pretty much love to spend time in my new car driving around. It's helping me be free. Like I can go whenever I wanna go and I can come home when I want to.
Driving is not really problem for me, I love it! I blast my favorite music and just drive around. I could drive for days if I only had time and gas. Hahaha.

6.  Lush-es Ocean Salt! 
I became this pretty big fan of Lush products. It's natural and just good! Plust it's smells really good! 
So Ocean Salt is this pretty face and body scrub. It cleans your skin pretty well. It contains ingredients like sea salt, grapefruit infusion, lime extract, avocado butter, coconout fat, shea butter and so on.
I just love it to use it in the shower were I can clean my body and face with it at the same time. 

7. Boyfriends hoodie! 
And the last but not least it's my boyfriends hoodie! It's by this brand named Slazenger. It's warm, comfortable and grey! I love every single thing about it! I guess I wore it just to much so he gave up and gave it to me.
When I'm at home it's just nice to have something warm on, without any need to have something under.  ;)
And even if I like to go out, I just put something under it, put some leggings on and I'm good to go! It's cozy and relaxying. Yuup, my fave! 

So that was the first post of my "favorite five"!
Can't wait for January to pass by to give you new "fave five". 

- J 

Orange Juice Band !

So I've been thinking about writing this blog for about 3 months now. Simply because these people changed my life! 

Just to say thank you!

So I'm finally gonna tell you about Orange Juice Band. And maybe there will be an exclusive interview down there, but you will have to keep reading to find more about that. Well just to say it quick there won't be interview because Patrik and Kim are sometimes this lazy asses and doesn't want to answer my questions. :'D

First let me introduce you to all of the OJB team.  (Sorry for like 10 months old picture but yeah, it's from the first ever gig we spend together)

So from left to right there is:
• Erik Renko - drums
• Domen Benčina - diatonic accordion, vocals
• Tadej Benčina - light and sound staff
• Maxim - friend
• Neža Devčič - lead vocals, keyboards
• Kim Babič - guitar, vocals
• Rok Reja - bas, vocals 
• Patrik Babič - lead vocals, keyboards
• Janja Klančar (me) - photography, editing, staff
• and missing part - Davor Babič - manager aka Daddy Juice

So let me tell you a little story. Let's start from the beginning. 

I've been fan of them since like 2 or 3 years ago. At first was just this group with bunch of kids who loved music. 

I remember when Kim and Patrik played some music together like "Duet Babič" back in 2010. 
Since then I started to look after them on local festivals. They were good and next thing I knew, there was this band called Orange Juice Band, and well guess who played in there? Yeah, Patrik and Kim with the rest of the band.

After summer 2013 I started to talk with Patrik, Domen and Tadej kinda on daily basis. It was fun to know someone who adores music and performing, and get to see them on the stage was great!

When all the chaos around my mom happened in December, I was glad that Patrik was there for me. Like really. He was talking with me 24/7, I could tell him every single thought that was running through my mind and he was there to listen, to help and he just brought my smile back. I couldn't wait weekends to just go to Koper, away from everything and meet him or my family. 

So he knew that I got this pretty good camera for Christmas, and once he just said: " When we have our next gig, come to see us, bring the camera, take some pictures, try to have fun and just turn off your brain for a night."

And he was just so right! First gig that I went to was that Valentine's day gig and it was completely relaxing. 

Honestly, this band changed my life, on better for sure! They gave me the best summer and all the weekends that we spend together were just ahhh. 

And it is true, music connects people! Sometimes the music that they played was like on the stand by in my life, now is my way to get through the day.

So this was like the next gig we did in Bellavita bar in Koper.

  Pic with Neža from prom that they played in Postojna.

And another one with Kim and Neža.

Little goofing after the song competition in Podnanos and "the" team. ;)

More funny and happy faces.


Some more gigs,


and last but not least, some more fun at practice!

And just to let you know, the new song!

- J

ponedeljek, 18. avgust 2014

Why are you doing this? Let it go!

That's the thing I'm trying to convince myself every single day, to let it go, all the pain, frustrations, disappointments, all the comments and stuff people tell me and try to cheep chat it to other people, just to hurt me.

Lately I got hate on daily bases because of the boy that I date, I think it's just so lame, to hate on people who did nothing to you, to hate the person you don't even really know.
It hurts me really bad because behind this though look and personality that I try to have, is hiding this fragile girl. 
You know that if you hurt me, it hurts him too. Because we care and we would do everything just to be happy.

It hurts when people tell you the stuff like the other day someone wrote me something like that: "You should die, just like your mom did!" 

It hurts because I miss my mom so bad, because I need her, because I know I will never see her again. Sometimes I just think that this is not really happening and it's just an illusion. 

It hurts to just think that people really wish that bad things would happen to you. 

Hey, we live in a world, where our imperfect generation expect people to be absolutely perfect! Why? I have flaws, you have flaws, everybody has them! 

Why do you have to pick up your nose in every single stuff that people say or do? You have your own life right? 

Sometimes it's just to much for me. I break down, I'm human, I'm not a rock, I can ignore things to some point, but then I break down. And I go through a lot of struggles before I can stand up again.

But that's the meaning of life, to always  get back up, to be happy, to love, to explore, to discover things you never thought about in the back of your mind.

It doesn't matter if you are rich or pore, if you're big or small, the thing that matters is that you have a good heart! That you are positive! That you love!

I know that people are capable to have so many faces, to copy each other because jealousy kicks in, but are you capable to be yourself? 

When you will be able to feel good in your skin the other people will see it. You won't need to pick your nose in to other business because your happiness will be the only thing that really matters. 

Just live your life and stop ruining it for others. You only live once, make it count!

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."
- Dr. Seuss

I woke up in the middle of the night and I just had to write this down, now I can go back to bed with clear mind.

- J

nedelja, 8. junij 2014

Milano Trip - 5 Seconds of Summer - Take No.2

Okey so where should I start.
On 4th June I packed my bags and took a bus to Kranj.
I meet Eva and the rest of the team there, we went to get some food and end up buying water guns. Hehehe yeah we rulzzzzzz. After that we went to Burger King, me and Anja got his little Spongebob ball ipp. Anyway after that we went to get the van. We didn't get our baby that black one, which was pretty awesome, but still we got the van. We went back to pick some more girls and went to Eva's place.
We ate, watched some awesome Viners and around 11pm we went to sleep.

We woke up around 1.30 am and got ready. Soooo let's get this show on the road!
We picked up our girl Barbara in Izola and really went on the road. We sang, we didn't sleep much, but we had fun, we were just so excited. On our second stop we went to get changed, like in short pants because it was so damn hot! We ate, played a guitar, sang and just got ready for the crazy madness that was comming.

The road to the first Radio Deejay station was crazy. Like there was just this big amount of the cars and the traffic was just awful. We didn't park the car near the station. We parked just in random parking lot, got maps out and just asked this lovely man at one of the hotels to give us a directions. And he really did, so we took the map and just walkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.

We were a little confused if we're gonna get in the right place, but when we started to see the other fans we knew we are in the right place. We filled our water guns with water and just waited. We saw the boys comming with the van and just run. So they went inside the Radio and we went to the front.

There were so many people! But I saw Calum and Luke first. They were just so pretty.
The thing was like there was no one around me and I started to wave with my phone case and just smile and Luke pointed at me and Calum looked in my way and I was like holly shit what did just happened?

 So the interview went on and we just went at the back again. We prepared our water guns and flags. When they came out we just started to splash the car and just run after them. When the cars stopped in the trafic Eva who wore that Pikachu onesie, ran to the car and just waved and smiled.

It wasn't long since the boys went to the next station. We just followed the other fans and that's when Živa started to freak out. And we were like what the fuck, she just couldn't got the words out. That's when I got the text to!
Freaking Luke Hemmings tweeted about us. The pikachu and water guns. 

So we just hugged and started to smile and yeahh we run to the tram and all the girls were packed inside. It was madness. That's when it started. Everyone wanted to take a selfie with us.

Anyway we arrived at second station Radio 105 and the we saw the boys again. They were just awww, Luke and Calum waved at us and well, we were splashing the window with water again and Calum gave us thumbs up. And when they came to the window again, just pure perfection standing there.

Next thing I knew we had to get the van. We didn't quite know how to get back but we took the underground and just hoped we got to the right place. When we got out from the underground we didn't find the parking lot. XD... The best part was we made like 3 circles around the parking lot and we didn't saw them. Hahahhahaha. Next thing I knew we were on the road and gps started to act silly. And yeah then we turned the radio RTL 102.5 on and the boys came on. We arived to the station and just drove around. We parked at the back of the station and just walk around, listened to radio, and we saw Ashton again. He went back inside and we knew we would have to follow them to the The Voice avenue.
We waited at the back of the radio for them to come out. But they were smart, their vans went in the opposite direction, we tried to follow them but just couldn't see the vans. 
Next thing I knew we were typing the adress of The Voice avenue inside and just hoped we would get to the right place. 

Then it happened like in movies. I got butterflies if I only remember the scene. 
We arrived to the very back entrance with the van when we first saw Luke outside, then the other boys came. 
We jumped out of the van but Luke went back inside. So we just waited at the fence. It was crazy! 
First I've got selfie with Calum and I can honestly say he's sooooo kind and sweet. And he said "I love ya" with this amazing accent. Just aghhhh. 

Next one that came was Michael. 
Dayummmmm. I just don't know how to describe this. He's like the best person ever. We took the picture and he was looking at me, slowly moving forward and I just said "wait" and gave him the letter that I wrote. He was like "is this for me?", he smiled big and I was like "yeah" he grab the letter tight and said "I will read it" I just didn't know what to say and just blurred out "Pinky promise?" And he said "promise" smiled and went forward. 

We gave Calum this big brochure about Slovenia and he happily took it. 
I was watching the rest of the girls taking pictures with Calum, Michael and Ashton.  I saw Ash comming back and I started to wave at him so he could come to our side and take pictures but he just waved back, smiled and went inside. 
After that all slowly had to go inside the venue. 
I still couldn't believe what happened. 
I was in shock. So happy.

Next thing I knew I was sitting there crying and hugging my mom's necklase. All the memories rushed back. I remembered the first time she showed me their video, the time when she told me that she bought the tickets for "Where We Are" One Direction Tour. The times when she always said "I believe in you, you're gonna make your dreams come true!", and just stuff like that. It hit me bad but those were just those happy,grateful tears.

After that we just waited, we saw them go in and out of the avenue with the van for like 2 times. I meet soooooo many girls and I'm just proud to call them my #5sosfam.

 When they came back for the show I saw, Ashton and Michael again, I can say the looked just perfect. Then the waved and went inside. 
One of the staff later came out and said that we are good girls and quiet and just normal and that there is still a little chance that after the show they will stop to say hii again. But it was the word of theirs manager that would count. 

We waited until like 11pm for them, but they only jumped in the van and took of.
Honestly, I totally understand them, they travel around like crazy, they are tired, they can't get sick because of the shows that are comming and yeahh.
Then we just got in the van and went back to Slovenia.

I gotta say that this was the best day of my life. I've never been so happy before. Thanks to our gang I meet them and I will be forever grateful for that. I'm still speechless and happy and just ahhhhhhhh. 
They changed my life, they helped me to get back up and I'm never gonna forget the feeling that I got when I see them, when I hear them, when I just remember them.

And here is little video about the trip. :D
