sreda, 7. januar 2015

Favorite five! December edition. + one or two

So lately I've been thinking how to blog at least once a month? 

And I've got this pretty idea how about blogging about five favorite products / things / moments / anything in the past month!  

So let me first explain why " + one or two" in the title.

You know December, the time of the holidays, when you get gifts and everything is just to Christmasy you have this feeling for more. So for December I'm not taking five but seven stuff that I adored in the past month! 

1. My bed with pretty pillows, lights and this big teddy bear! 
Yuuup! I just couldn't resist to get in the bed for pretty much all December. I've got this big teddy from Saint Nicholas in the begining of the month and well, I pretty much slept with him all the time. It was just too comfortable! The lights made this pretty holiday atmosphere, well who colud resist it? Even my boyfriend fell asleep on it! Yeahh well after he put the bear on the couch but still. It was pretty comfortable and cuddly bed!

2. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella!
I've probably read this book in a day! Totally adore it! It's been on my night stand and in my iBook app for the month! Just whenever I was bored I read it over and over! Did I said that I adore it?!  Really, Zoe and her team did amazing job writing this book down! Speciall all the blogger girls on the world would adore it! It's just adorable! Ahhh I need to stop saying adore/adorable! 
Well if you didn't read it, go check it out! 

3. Pretty candle! 

So for my obession with candles, this one was pretty much calling my name in the store. It's this Air Wick Essential Pearls Candle Limted edition. It's this sweet vanilla flavor! It smells just tooo good to be true! 
I didn't even light it yet but that fragranced gel round the core of scented pearles makes my room smell really nice and vanillas. 

4. WeHeartIt and tea!

Yup this was pretty much my way to end the day. With coup of tea and scrolling through the hundreds of pictures every morning or night. Just nice way to relax. 

5. Open road!

Since I've got my driving licensee in the begining of December, I pretty much love to spend time in my new car driving around. It's helping me be free. Like I can go whenever I wanna go and I can come home when I want to.
Driving is not really problem for me, I love it! I blast my favorite music and just drive around. I could drive for days if I only had time and gas. Hahaha.

6.  Lush-es Ocean Salt! 
I became this pretty big fan of Lush products. It's natural and just good! Plust it's smells really good! 
So Ocean Salt is this pretty face and body scrub. It cleans your skin pretty well. It contains ingredients like sea salt, grapefruit infusion, lime extract, avocado butter, coconout fat, shea butter and so on.
I just love it to use it in the shower were I can clean my body and face with it at the same time. 

7. Boyfriends hoodie! 
And the last but not least it's my boyfriends hoodie! It's by this brand named Slazenger. It's warm, comfortable and grey! I love every single thing about it! I guess I wore it just to much so he gave up and gave it to me.
When I'm at home it's just nice to have something warm on, without any need to have something under.  ;)
And even if I like to go out, I just put something under it, put some leggings on and I'm good to go! It's cozy and relaxying. Yuup, my fave! 

So that was the first post of my "favorite five"!
Can't wait for January to pass by to give you new "fave five". 

- J 

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