nedelja, 1. september 2013

One Step And You Will Be Free

Did you ever asked yourself what do you want in your life, not what you need like new make-up or food, but really what do you wanna be?

Well in my case I did, a lot of times.
We all have that little dream inside us. Who we want to be. And the things we believe in.

One little boy who is growing up in front eyes of milions people taught me some things:

"In life you will make mistakes and people will try to tear you down. But you gotta stay positive. Stay strong and learn to be better." 

"Feel it, believe it, dream it, be it."

"Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream"

"You should not be afraid of doing what your mind tells you to do, just listen to your heart"

" You can't always get what you want. But, if you are lucky, you get what you need."

Did the name poped in your head? If not, you will know about who I'm talking about after this quote.

There's gonna be times in your life when people tell you, you can't do something. And there's gonna be times in your life when people tell you, you can't live your dreams.
This is what I tell them: NEVER SAY NEVER!

Yeah it's Justin Bieber, yeah teen heartthrob. But I don't see him like that. He's Kidrauhl, he always will be, just bigger and older. 
After reading his and his moms books, I really got this different point of view on the world. Like I said you have to be happy for what you have, and try to do everything to reach your dreams. 

Like me, I'm writing this blog, writing some stories on Wattpad, even this awesome main editor of magazine Smrklja said that everyone should write, and if I will be good, I'm gonna get really far and that everyone can write for the magazine Smrklja, even me.

So from that point on I got this inspiration to start blogging, and some of my friends really love to read them. And they said i'm talented, and I appreciate that so much.

Well, my point is you have to do something, you have to work hard and you will reach your dreams.

This is just short, little blog after this great vacation that I had with my mom and sister ( you will get a little repotr about that soon and a lot of pictures), and I finally saw my boyfriend after 40 days. And I'm tired from the plane and because tommorow is school, but  I'm excited and I hope I could write a lot more than just this, and it will be the year I will graduate, and maybe I will start blogging/share my own tips on YouTube... Well I already have the Channel with my firend and it's called Tuttorial It Official   but we didn't post anything yet so.. I hope I will post something there till the October. :D 

- J 

The book that I read was:
Pattie Mallette - Nowhere but up,
Justin Bieber - First step 2 forever: My story and
Justin Bieber - Just getting started.

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