petek, 27. september 2013

Cake Pops!


A cake pop is a form of cake styled as a lollipop.
Cake crumbs are mixed with icing or chocolate, and formed into small cake balls, before being given a coating of icing, chocolate or other decorations and attached to lollipop sticks.
Cake pops can be a way of using up leftover cake or cake crumbs.

And if you decidet to make a cake pops here is just a little preparation recipe.

Cake pops use many of the ingredients used in baking a traditional cake, and can be made from cakes of any flavor. Many recipes found online use a cake mix instead of creating a cake batter from scratch.

Once the cake has been baked, or when leftovers from an existing cake have been collected, it is crumbled into pieces. These crumbs are mixed into a bowl of frosting or melted chocolate, and the resulting mixture is shaped into balls, cubes or other shapes. 

Each ball is attached to a lollipop stick, and once the mixture solidifies, it can be decorated with frosting or melted chocolate and sprinkles. 


sreda, 11. september 2013

Back to school days!

So this is just little something my friend said that I should write about.

It's my senior year in high school, in the end I will graduate and go to college. I will miss my friends and I hope I won't lose contacts with them.
And I'm just sitting in class and wondering what they were doing over the summer, who had his hart broken, who was wasted, and who really enjoyed it.

I'm thinking when it will hit me that this is actually my last year here in this school.

Months will pass by so fast, and I just can't believe I'm in senior class. If my graduation will be good, how many schoolmates will fail the tests first time. 

And just thinking if I will be accepted in college that I wanna go in. I wanna take culture studies program. because I love to write, read and stuff like that!
And I'm thinking if I will have time to write a book over this school year. And how much time I will spend with my boyfriend and how will that effect on my grades and learning habits.

... Enough of my thinking and all those ANDs...

I will write about things I need and I can't go a day without them in school.

1st. thing I can't go without is my new backpack from Accessorize.
2nd. thing is my "akta" where I write everything, all the work and notes are carefully written in each class section. :D
3rd. thing is my pencil case with hundred different pens.

What can you also find in my backpack. Hmm.. A notebook where I draw and write my thoughts, stories and new blog notes.
Then I have mini planer, calculator, keys, sunglasses, headphones and my phone. Little case with some make-up stuff, deo and body lotion.. and I can't forget about chewing gums, some healthy biscuits and bottle of water. It's kinda everything girl needs in school, and I think that's all.

- J

torek, 10. september 2013

Greece, vacation of the year!

So my mom decided that after long 6 years we're going on summer vacationes somewhere else than being here in our country in Koper.

We decided that we're going to Greece to the island named Zakynthos.
What can I say about Zakynthos?
Hmm, its middle sized island, they called it "green island" . The original name island got from Venetians and it's called Zante.
The island is known from the most famous and probably the most photographed beach in the world, "Shipwreck" or how they call it "Navagio".
The famous Blue Caves are absolutely beautiful and the big turtle named Caretta Caretta.

We stayed at this beautiful hotel named Poseidon Beach Hotel just next to the beach. The workers in hotel were really kind and hard working, I was watching this girl named Viki every day.She's about 25, and she was working all day from like 7am until 7pm with this big smile on her face, every single day. I just can't believe how she could do all those things, working hard and always smiling. Then there was this guy named Chris who was making cocktails in the bar by the pool. The cocktails were damn good but I freaked out when he started hitting on me so I try to avoid him as much as I could. It's creepy ya know, my boyfriend was on the their yacht and he couldn't be ther to protect me. Well in the end he just stopped to flirt.
Ugh next theme please. :)

Not the best idea to write about food when you are hungry but okey.
It was just so goooooood.

First I totally love Tzatziki it's yogurt with cucumber and garlic puree, used as a dip. Served with warm pita bread. And the second thing I adore is Gyros it's meat (usually pork) roasted on a vertically turning spit and served with sauce (often tzatziki) and garnishes (tomato, onions) on pita bread, or served as a sandwich wrapped in pita bread together with tomatoes, onions, tzatziki and tomato sauce.

Well those two things were the best.

One day we went on pirate ship and took a trip around the island and we saw everything, from the sights to the traditional greek night.
And well that kinda is all that happened in one week. Nothing special, but the best!

- J

nedelja, 1. september 2013

One Step And You Will Be Free

Did you ever asked yourself what do you want in your life, not what you need like new make-up or food, but really what do you wanna be?

Well in my case I did, a lot of times.
We all have that little dream inside us. Who we want to be. And the things we believe in.

One little boy who is growing up in front eyes of milions people taught me some things:

"In life you will make mistakes and people will try to tear you down. But you gotta stay positive. Stay strong and learn to be better." 

"Feel it, believe it, dream it, be it."

"Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream"

"You should not be afraid of doing what your mind tells you to do, just listen to your heart"

" You can't always get what you want. But, if you are lucky, you get what you need."

Did the name poped in your head? If not, you will know about who I'm talking about after this quote.

There's gonna be times in your life when people tell you, you can't do something. And there's gonna be times in your life when people tell you, you can't live your dreams.
This is what I tell them: NEVER SAY NEVER!

Yeah it's Justin Bieber, yeah teen heartthrob. But I don't see him like that. He's Kidrauhl, he always will be, just bigger and older. 
After reading his and his moms books, I really got this different point of view on the world. Like I said you have to be happy for what you have, and try to do everything to reach your dreams. 

Like me, I'm writing this blog, writing some stories on Wattpad, even this awesome main editor of magazine Smrklja said that everyone should write, and if I will be good, I'm gonna get really far and that everyone can write for the magazine Smrklja, even me.

So from that point on I got this inspiration to start blogging, and some of my friends really love to read them. And they said i'm talented, and I appreciate that so much.

Well, my point is you have to do something, you have to work hard and you will reach your dreams.

This is just short, little blog after this great vacation that I had with my mom and sister ( you will get a little repotr about that soon and a lot of pictures), and I finally saw my boyfriend after 40 days. And I'm tired from the plane and because tommorow is school, but  I'm excited and I hope I could write a lot more than just this, and it will be the year I will graduate, and maybe I will start blogging/share my own tips on YouTube... Well I already have the Channel with my firend and it's called Tuttorial It Official   but we didn't post anything yet so.. I hope I will post something there till the October. :D 

- J 

The book that I read was:
Pattie Mallette - Nowhere but up,
Justin Bieber - First step 2 forever: My story and
Justin Bieber - Just getting started.