nedelja, 20. oktober 2013

Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones!

The first thing when I heard about Mortal Instruments was yay another strange book. I'm soooo not proud of what I said at that point. 

I saw the trailer of the movie just over the summer and I thought: " Creppy, gross, boring." , but I kinda liked it when I saw it like over and over again.

I had another day when I got on the Internet and ordered just random books.
I saw this offer when you get three books for the price of two. Well I ordered four books, with the rest of my savings that I got for my birthday. One of the books was Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

First thing was, I read the book and I immediately fell in love.
I think I would love to live in the world like that. I would love to be shadowhunter.
I just love the way of the writting. The way Cassandra describes it, it's just surreal.

It's funny I never really liked reading until I came to hmmm, eight grade. Now it's like I can't go a month without reading at least one book. It's just strrange, I love to read and write. If I look at my parents and grandparents, they are all normal working people with no hobbies or secret talents. Just one of my grandad loved to act, sing and play the guitar. Just the thought of writing one really good book about fantasy world would be sooo amazing and insane, I mean in a good way.

I just can't wait to get another book Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes in the following week, I just think that my mom will go insane if I'm gonna buy so many books each month but, I'm just happy that I have scholarship, thanks to that my book collection is growing. 

Anyway back to the book, I totally love the fantasy stuff, from that point on I'm obsessed with runes and just peoples character.
Like Clary and Jace they are sooooo good together. It's just that perfect love. Clary is just so brave, Jace is like, he needs to save the world all the time.

( For all that didn't read the book or saw the movie I'm gonna share with you a little plot at the end of the blog.) 

About the movie, there are some changes but I freaking adore it!
The cast is amazing and I really hope that they were joking when they said that there is possibility that they won't make a squel to the first part. Well that would be just heat breaking.
Music for the movie is amazing and this song Heart by heart by Demi Lovato just makes the movie soooo "romantic".

Yeah, I just think this couldn't be more perfect.

“Is this the part where you start tearing off strips of your shirt to bind my wounds?"
"If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should have just asked.” 
― Cassandra ClareCity of Bones

“Don't touch any of my weapons without my permission."
"Well, there goes my plan for selling them all on eBay," Clary muttered.
"Selling them on what?"
Clary smiled blandly at him. "A mythical place of great magical power.” 
― Cassandra ClareCity of Bones

“The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he'd learned: that to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.” 
― Cassandra ClareCity of Bones

“Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw Jace shoot her a look of white rage - but when she glanced at him, he looked as he always did: easy, confident, slightly bored.
"In future, Clarissa," he said, "it might be wise to mention that you already have a man in your bed, to avoid such tedious situations."
"You invited him into bed?" Simon demanded, looking shaken.
"Ridiculous, isn't it?" said Jace. "We would never have all fit."
"I didn't invite him into bed," Clary snapped. "We were just kissing."
"Just kissing?" Jace's tone mocked her with its false hurt. "How swiftly you dismiss our love.” 
― Cassandra ClareCity of Bones

~ We almost knew what love was, but almost is never enough. ~

So here is little plot about the movie/book.

Clary Fray (Lily Collins) is an ordinary Brooklyn teenager until the night she meets the mysteriously tattooed Jace (Jamie Campbell Bower), who turns out to be a half-angel warrior known as a Shadowhunter. When Clary finds out her mother Jocelyn (Lena Headey) has been abducted, she desperately hopes Jace will be able to help. After a whirling golden portal transports her across time and space in a heartbeat, Clary realizes she too has the powers of the Shadowhunters. But can she harness them in time to save her mother?
Clary, Jace and their fellow Shadowhunters endure one breathtaking battle after another against vampire, warlocks and demons—only to discover Jocelyn hid a terrible secret from the fiercest warrior of all: Valentine (Jonathan Rhys Meyers). Cast out from the world of Shadowhunters, Valentine abducted Jocelyn believing she had a powerful tool known as the Mortal Cup. Using her newfound gifts, Clary finds the Cup, only to be brutally betrayed and forced to relinquish it.

Still reeling from this setback and racing to save Jocelyn before it’s too late, Clary finds herself caught in a battle between forces she barely understands.

- J

petek, 4. oktober 2013

Does everything make sense?

Does everything in life makes sense?

You get this feeling about crying for every little thing that happens to you, about the things that people say and do to you.

How the person that they hurt feels and how this effect them, and how this effect on us.
Do they feel guilty or the karma takes on them sometimes?

We live in the world where people don't care about each other, there is only a few people that cares.
In the most cases those people are lonely and they're looking for some attention.
They look for the person to argue with and revel the stress and problems on other people.
You can go from lovers to enemies in just about an hour.

We can fall apart if the comunication is bad, we find new people that makes us more happy than one special person should make you feel.
But that are just the things that makes you learn to live life.

And for all the hurt girls there, this is my little advice:
"Save yourself for the guy with the class- not the teen with the pants down his ass."

That's how I will live from now on!

- J

četrtek, 3. oktober 2013

My phone and App's I can't live without!

I don't know who but someone told me on to write a blog about phone apps that I use and own.

I'm gonna go step by step and tell you all.
First I'm gonna show you my lock screen.

So that's just me and my two friends Jaka in the black shirt and Matevž in the yellow one.
So that's just us the other day on the party and well you can see from all the notifications I'm pretty busy girl. Heheh. Just kidding.

Next thing is my main page.
I'm changing my background like every two days so this is the one I have today.

So here I have all the things that I use very often. It's kinda pretty girly so yeah. 
The minion is here to keep my battery running, and well you have different minoins for different battery levels.

"App's I can't live without!"

So the first app I can't live without is WALKMAN. 
It's just the music app where I have all the songs and for a girl who's obsessed with music, I think that's the most important thing. Right now I have exactly 1234 songs.

Second one is Instagram.
Photography is my passion just like writing. I love to take pictures even If they are totally random.

It's just the app that every girl should have. I love to read their posts, tips and everything that you can find in the magazine, but you always have it with you!

Twitter and Facebook.
Two social networks I can't go a day without. On Facebook I just look through some news and just talk with my friends. Twitter is just the place where I'm sharing my thoughts and just random things. 

We Heart It !
App where I find my inspiration for writing, Tweeting and some fashion trends.

Blogger and Tumblr.
Blogging and posting pictures while driving to school, quick writing things down so I don't forget anything and that I can update you on my daily blog. --> Life As It Girl <--
Yeah, yeah I know sometimes they try to bring you down but I love to answer the questions.

Pixlr Expres, Photo Grid and Pixlr-o-matic.
Those are just the apps that I use to edit all my pictures.

And there is just the menu with all the apps.
I have them in these folders so I can find them quickly.
I think that's all! 

- J

petek, 27. september 2013

Cake Pops!


A cake pop is a form of cake styled as a lollipop.
Cake crumbs are mixed with icing or chocolate, and formed into small cake balls, before being given a coating of icing, chocolate or other decorations and attached to lollipop sticks.
Cake pops can be a way of using up leftover cake or cake crumbs.

And if you decidet to make a cake pops here is just a little preparation recipe.

Cake pops use many of the ingredients used in baking a traditional cake, and can be made from cakes of any flavor. Many recipes found online use a cake mix instead of creating a cake batter from scratch.

Once the cake has been baked, or when leftovers from an existing cake have been collected, it is crumbled into pieces. These crumbs are mixed into a bowl of frosting or melted chocolate, and the resulting mixture is shaped into balls, cubes or other shapes. 

Each ball is attached to a lollipop stick, and once the mixture solidifies, it can be decorated with frosting or melted chocolate and sprinkles. 


sreda, 11. september 2013

Back to school days!

So this is just little something my friend said that I should write about.

It's my senior year in high school, in the end I will graduate and go to college. I will miss my friends and I hope I won't lose contacts with them.
And I'm just sitting in class and wondering what they were doing over the summer, who had his hart broken, who was wasted, and who really enjoyed it.

I'm thinking when it will hit me that this is actually my last year here in this school.

Months will pass by so fast, and I just can't believe I'm in senior class. If my graduation will be good, how many schoolmates will fail the tests first time. 

And just thinking if I will be accepted in college that I wanna go in. I wanna take culture studies program. because I love to write, read and stuff like that!
And I'm thinking if I will have time to write a book over this school year. And how much time I will spend with my boyfriend and how will that effect on my grades and learning habits.

... Enough of my thinking and all those ANDs...

I will write about things I need and I can't go a day without them in school.

1st. thing I can't go without is my new backpack from Accessorize.
2nd. thing is my "akta" where I write everything, all the work and notes are carefully written in each class section. :D
3rd. thing is my pencil case with hundred different pens.

What can you also find in my backpack. Hmm.. A notebook where I draw and write my thoughts, stories and new blog notes.
Then I have mini planer, calculator, keys, sunglasses, headphones and my phone. Little case with some make-up stuff, deo and body lotion.. and I can't forget about chewing gums, some healthy biscuits and bottle of water. It's kinda everything girl needs in school, and I think that's all.

- J

torek, 10. september 2013

Greece, vacation of the year!

So my mom decided that after long 6 years we're going on summer vacationes somewhere else than being here in our country in Koper.

We decided that we're going to Greece to the island named Zakynthos.
What can I say about Zakynthos?
Hmm, its middle sized island, they called it "green island" . The original name island got from Venetians and it's called Zante.
The island is known from the most famous and probably the most photographed beach in the world, "Shipwreck" or how they call it "Navagio".
The famous Blue Caves are absolutely beautiful and the big turtle named Caretta Caretta.

We stayed at this beautiful hotel named Poseidon Beach Hotel just next to the beach. The workers in hotel were really kind and hard working, I was watching this girl named Viki every day.She's about 25, and she was working all day from like 7am until 7pm with this big smile on her face, every single day. I just can't believe how she could do all those things, working hard and always smiling. Then there was this guy named Chris who was making cocktails in the bar by the pool. The cocktails were damn good but I freaked out when he started hitting on me so I try to avoid him as much as I could. It's creepy ya know, my boyfriend was on the their yacht and he couldn't be ther to protect me. Well in the end he just stopped to flirt.
Ugh next theme please. :)

Not the best idea to write about food when you are hungry but okey.
It was just so goooooood.

First I totally love Tzatziki it's yogurt with cucumber and garlic puree, used as a dip. Served with warm pita bread. And the second thing I adore is Gyros it's meat (usually pork) roasted on a vertically turning spit and served with sauce (often tzatziki) and garnishes (tomato, onions) on pita bread, or served as a sandwich wrapped in pita bread together with tomatoes, onions, tzatziki and tomato sauce.

Well those two things were the best.

One day we went on pirate ship and took a trip around the island and we saw everything, from the sights to the traditional greek night.
And well that kinda is all that happened in one week. Nothing special, but the best!

- J

nedelja, 1. september 2013

One Step And You Will Be Free

Did you ever asked yourself what do you want in your life, not what you need like new make-up or food, but really what do you wanna be?

Well in my case I did, a lot of times.
We all have that little dream inside us. Who we want to be. And the things we believe in.

One little boy who is growing up in front eyes of milions people taught me some things:

"In life you will make mistakes and people will try to tear you down. But you gotta stay positive. Stay strong and learn to be better." 

"Feel it, believe it, dream it, be it."

"Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream"

"You should not be afraid of doing what your mind tells you to do, just listen to your heart"

" You can't always get what you want. But, if you are lucky, you get what you need."

Did the name poped in your head? If not, you will know about who I'm talking about after this quote.

There's gonna be times in your life when people tell you, you can't do something. And there's gonna be times in your life when people tell you, you can't live your dreams.
This is what I tell them: NEVER SAY NEVER!

Yeah it's Justin Bieber, yeah teen heartthrob. But I don't see him like that. He's Kidrauhl, he always will be, just bigger and older. 
After reading his and his moms books, I really got this different point of view on the world. Like I said you have to be happy for what you have, and try to do everything to reach your dreams. 

Like me, I'm writing this blog, writing some stories on Wattpad, even this awesome main editor of magazine Smrklja said that everyone should write, and if I will be good, I'm gonna get really far and that everyone can write for the magazine Smrklja, even me.

So from that point on I got this inspiration to start blogging, and some of my friends really love to read them. And they said i'm talented, and I appreciate that so much.

Well, my point is you have to do something, you have to work hard and you will reach your dreams.

This is just short, little blog after this great vacation that I had with my mom and sister ( you will get a little repotr about that soon and a lot of pictures), and I finally saw my boyfriend after 40 days. And I'm tired from the plane and because tommorow is school, but  I'm excited and I hope I could write a lot more than just this, and it will be the year I will graduate, and maybe I will start blogging/share my own tips on YouTube... Well I already have the Channel with my firend and it's called Tuttorial It Official   but we didn't post anything yet so.. I hope I will post something there till the October. :D 

- J 

The book that I read was:
Pattie Mallette - Nowhere but up,
Justin Bieber - First step 2 forever: My story and
Justin Bieber - Just getting started.

nedelja, 28. julij 2013

Love, love, love! Crazy. Stupid. Love.

You know that feeling when you have butterflies in your stomach? 
When you're nerves while you are waiting him to come over? 
When you feel fireworks in you when he kisses you?
I finally found that person who makes me feel like this.


It took me so much time to realize it.. Poor boy he was waiting sooo long, but I'm happy that we are together now.

You really love him, don't you?

I can say the only word and that is YES.

Reasons why I love him:

1.) He makes me smile! :)
2.) He makes me laugh.
3.) He has the brightest cutest smile. :D <3
4.) He's sweet and smart and good looking and absolutely stunning and adorably dorky and funny.
5.) He's really cute <3 super, duper cute. I can't stand it.
6.) Every day without him is like a month without sun.
7.) He's super adorable when he plays guitar and sing.
8.) I love the way we finish each other's sentences.
9.) I love the way I know he'll never give up on me.
10.) I love the fact that I wouldn't ever give up on him.
11.) I love the way he looks at me.
12.) I love him being the reason of my smile.
13.) I love him more than I can describe in words.

Love you Ryan, and I miss you so much.
- J 

Sorry. But.. I'm different

All those little things.

Every day I wake up blessed that I'm alive. I have good days, and bad days, but in every bad thing I try to find something good, even if it's a mistake, we all learn from the mistakes.

I learned to live every day like it's my last day. That is the thing that pull me through every day. Being excited what will happen next.

You have to appreciate everything around you. You have to learn to love everything.
I wouldn't be anywhere without my friends, family and my boyfriend.
I've learned to just keep going, no mater how much it hurts, just because in the end everything will be okay. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

My childhood wasn't easy, I didn't have everything, I learned to love every second that I spend with my family, I almost lost my mom, my parents got divorced, I was born too soon, lived alone with my dad when my mom was almost all the time in the hospital, having just a few friends, being sick almost all the time, changing school and stuff like that.

It just makes me stronger, every day, every minute, every second, forever and always.

My short story.
- J

petek, 26. julij 2013

Friends forever right?

Sitting here and trying to understand what kind of game your bff is playing.
All I can say is:
I'm confused and disappointed.

You know, when you're just thinking that you will do the right thing. 
Protect your friends, and then you find yourself in this big mess, in the middle of something, trying to do everything that they will be safe and happy?

I'm sure you've already been in this situation.

I absolutely adore, love and appreciate all my friends. Especially my BFF's.

I would do anything for them, really everything, save their butt just that they will get through easy.

Sometimes, in the end of a day one of your bff's will totally support you and agree with you and the one that you were helping?

They won't even make an effort to say thanks. They will be mad, call you all that names. But you know you did your best to help them. 

And when you come between your 2 best friends, and try to protect both by telling the truth? Well you tried to help.

Don't get me wrong. We all make mistakes, sometimes they're good and the other time they are bad.BUT! You tried your best to make them happy.

One really special person disappointed me too many times lately. I never thought that she would descend on so low level. Helping her was probably the biggest mistake, but I love her, she just don't appreciate it.

She's a player, and when I say it, I mean it in all the ways. Boys, friends, trust, I just think she doesn't know what she would do with her life. Live? Die? Cry? Break hearts? Drink? Be called hoe? 
All that things that I mentioned up there. She's a little bit of everything. But I love her and I just wanna have back the old her.

I just had to get this out, because it's killing me to be quiet. 
Love you all!

 Even if she do everything wrong! 

petek, 12. julij 2013

Sweet 18 birthday!

I still can't believe I'm already 18!

I cried on my 18th birthday. I thought 17 was such a nice age. You're young enough to get away with things, but you're old enough, too.

Yesterday was really special day. I kinda became a woman, a grown up.

It feels the same, but I am responsible for everything that I do. I have to think twice before I do something stupid.

18 years ago, I started to fight for my life. I was born 2 months earlier.

I was born on 11st July 1995, at 22.03 in Ljubljana. 

At first I was only this little baby girl with only my surname. Baby girl Klančar.
I got my name Janja after a week of fighting in incubator. My mom picked a name for me, and I can only say thank you! It's so beautiful.

After one hard month of fighting, my parents could finally get some sleep, I think. I spend 3 months in incubator.

My parents told me that when I was little I was always smiling or crying. No matter what. 

Fighting for my life stayed in my blood. I like to go to extreme and when I believe in something, I stand up for it! ;D
It's always like that. When I put my mind up to something I will do anything to get it.

Even if I will be hurt in the end. 

But right now, I'm beyond happy to live, even if it get's hard. 
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" 
I'm proud of my parents who support me, believe in me and they only make me stronger as person. 

The song matches my life perfectly. 

- J 

sobota, 6. julij 2013

Photoshoot day, the best experience so far!

Well.. Just sitting here at the sea side in Koper and think what to do.
So I decided to write a new blog.
On Thursday I had so much fun.
And what did I do?
I had this photoshoot with some people for photostrip cartoon for magazine Smrklja and for Pringles, Cotoneve, Manhattan Wash Gel and Bicentury Nackis.

How did I even get there?
It all came up because of this little funny joke with my friend Ryan.
I saw that advert on Facebook for Smrklja. And like always I just think too much. 
I told him we sould apply just for fun. I thought I would never been choosen for one of those things, like I don't have a chance.
I send them this application:

I would like to act in photostrip cartoon, because I always wanted to do this. Just standing in front of the camera is fun.
I love to do different stuff, I love to take pictures, act, specially write.
I like to challenge myself in different stuff, even if they are the most random thing and well you can get a lot of experience and new ways in life.
The world in front and behind the camera is always fun.
Those things are my dreams, well maybe is this an opportunity to purchase them.

Greetings, Janja 

And well. On Tuesday I got an answer from them telling me that I was choosen and I got the informations about the photoshoot.

On Wednesday I was looking myself in the mirror. My hair was a total mess and I didn't know what to wear. 
I quickly went to Twoway and bought white light pants and black shirt with open back.
When I came home I died my hair back in my natural color just to shut down a little the red colour I used to have.

The next day I woke up at 6 am, feeling really nerves. 
I took my purse and my bag with clothes ( sill in my pj) and went with my mom to my dads appartment. I was on twitter for a while then went back to take a nap.

I woke up around 9 am, have a breakfast, change my clothes, put on some make-up and went to catch a bus to Ljubljana where the shoot was happening.

When I came there one girl was already there, well it's better to be there like 15 min. early than be late.
Anyway, the girl who send me informations introduced herself to me.
I told her some things about me and when I told her that I will be 18 in a week, she was just like " Really, are you kidding me or what? You look soooo young, like 15 maybe 16, not 18."
Then she told me she's only 19. Oh well not much older than me.
We went to the building to meet the main editor of the magazine. She was so kind, funny and her natural talking was just so addicting, you just had to listen to her. 
We got some products and met the photographer.

Then we all together went to the park Tivoli where we start the shooting. We were devided in two groups, 3 girls and a boy in each one of them.
At first we started to shoot photostrip cartoon for the product that we will advertise and we did that in like an hour and half. It was pretty good.
Then from 6 girls they choose 4 and both boys to do the other photostrip shoot for the magazine and well I was one of the 4 girls.
We went to the other side of the park and shoot some scenes there and went to the center of the city. We were done with that in like hour and half again.

And the photoshoot was over. It was so much fun to do it, I loved every second of it. 
This was probably the best experience so far.
And the day went bye, I came home tired with this big headache. It was pretty hot day so it was kind a normal thing, shooting outside, on the sun for 3 hours is tiredness but so amazing and awesome at the same time.

Hmmm.. I guess that's all for now.
Thanks for reading!

 - J

četrtek, 4. julij 2013

First blog. Fun day!

Well, how should I start?

I really have no idea, but here we go!

I'm tottaly new here and I wasn't blogging for like
a year or more.

Blogging, writing, music and fashion is my passion.
I tweet every day and I could say that I'm obssesed with Tumblr.

 Well let me introduce myself.

I'm Janja. My friends call me Janči, Baby or Sweety.
I'm 18 years old. Well I will be 18 in a week.

More informations about me:
Well that's me.

  • My favorite colors are green, blue, yellow and purple.
  • I love to cook and bake.
  • I love to sing and dance.
  • I'm obsessed with fashion.
  • Love to write.

 I think this is pretty good beginning.
 Love ,
  - J.